Monday, September 2, 2013

Kitchen Conversation - 8 Poses

Because everybody gathers in the kitchen.

Eight poses for kitchen conversation.

I hope everyone enjoys!  :)

Pose Player required

OMSP and Tipsy OMSP suggested

Includes Pose List compatible pkg
Individual poses - not list compatible

Tipped chair pose requires Tipsy OMSP for the chair.
I experimented with stacking the Tipsy OMSPs until I got sort of what I was looking for
(I am still trying to learn object creation.)

Chair used is The Cozinator - game chair.  
I did not test the hands on the kneeling pose for any other chair.
The man was slid to place with an OMSP

All in use.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Plead, Disagree, Grasp - Assorted Poses

An assortment of poses.

Pose Player required
OMSP recommended (especially for position of the grasp poses.)

Includes Pose List compatible pkg
Individual pkg files

Enjoy ^_^



(standing)  a_zhi_plead_angry_01
(kneeling)  a_zhi_plead_01b

(standing)  a_zhi_plead_angry_02
(kneeling)  a_zhi_plead_02b

(bottom)  a_zhi_disagreement_01
(top)  a_zhi_disagreement_01b

Fightscene : 6 Poses

These are six poses for a fight scene.  Requested by Lckygrl.

Pose List compatible pkg
Individual pose pkg and PBN map.

Enjoy :)

OMSP may be needed
Pose Player is needed

(bottom)  a_zhi_fightscene_01
(top)  a_zhi_fightscene_01b

(chaser)  a_zhi_fightscene_02
(jumper)  a_zhi_fightscene_02b

(top)  a_zhi_fightscene_03
(bottom)  a_zhi_fightscene_03b

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Assorted Poses by Requests

These are a handful of poses that were requested for stories.  I hope that they are enjoyed. :)

Download includes:
ZhiAssortedRequests01 - Pose List Compatible Pkg; 
Pose by Name Map and Individual pkg files for PBN

Credits - 
Sleep Kiss poses - YangTheCat
Momma and Child poses - Valpre
Writing / Reading poses - Daijahvu
Pose Player is required

Sleep Kiss Poses - Floor Height & Bed Height

Child helping Momma with her hair - 2 poses
(either the child or the adult needs to be slid to place with an OMSP)

Reading or Writing 
(Use of book or laptop will need the Tipsy OMSP)

(Her leg looks a little wonky, but pic position eliminates that)

(I know the mouse looks silly, but I used a game laptop for the pic)

Upset - 3 Couple's Poses

Six Poses - upset and being comforted.  
Created for Lckygrl1975

Requires Pose Player
Credits - Lckygrl1975 for the request

Let me know of any issues, recommendations, improvements.
Thanks and enjoy :)

(guy)  a_zhi_upset_01
(girl)  a_zhi_upset_01b

(guy)  a_zhi_upset_02
(girl)  a_zhi_upset_02b

(guy)  a_zhi_upset_03
(girl)  a_zhi_upset_03b